The Radical Jewish Calendar was born out of a desire to hold Jewish art, history, and culture in our hands, make it visible on our walls, and to live in Jewish time, embraced by our radical ancestors and inspired by and reaching towards our political commitments. Since 5777 (2016), the Radical Jewish Calendar has appeared on your comrades’, crushes’, and friends’ walls. I am honored to be the content and history editor of the calendar. Since 2021, I’ve been part of the team stewarding an outgrowth of the Radical Jewish Calendar project into a radical Jewish artists’ cooperative.

The JVP Rabbinical Council is a network of rabbis, cantors and rabbinical students that supports the mission of JVP, JVP’s 15,000 members, the Palestine solidarity movement, and each other. A group of Rabbis started the council in 2011, seeking chevra (camaraderie) with others wanting to take action for justice for Palestinians and Israelis, including following the Palestinian call for BDS. Today, the council takes action as a Jewish voice for justice in solidarity with the Palestine solidarity movement; helps create meaningful ritual, tradition, & culture accessible to our growing membership; and provides pastoral and prophetic support for JVP members, chapters, and campaigns for the long haul.

Since January 2021, I’ve been a core organizer of Matir Asurim: Jewish Care Network for Incarcerated People. This project grew out of a recognition that incarcerated Jews have very little access to Jewish community and resources, especially progressive, accessible, queer and trans affirming Jewish communities. We are building Jewish community across prison walls, amplifying the Torah of incarcerated Jews, imaging and acting towards a world without prisons. 

I’m honored to be a member of the Fundraising Team for the Fields at Rootsprings. The Fields at Rootsprings is a land-based cooperative stewarding space for healing and development of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color artists, activists, healers, and community centering LGBTQ folx. The Fundraising Team centers relationships and repair in resourcing the transformative creative vision of Rootsprings.